Tuesday, February 28, 2012

9 Tips to reduce an appetite

1.  Drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of apple cider vinigar for half an hour before a meal.
2. Eat a teaspoon of dried spirulina algae for an hour before a meal.
3. Suck two cubes of frozen dark chocolate for snacking between meals.
4.  Eat a protein-rich food for breakfast. A good option - oat  with  1 teaspoon brewer's yeast  and 1 tsp chia seeds.
5. Start your lunch with a large portion of salad, then eat a portion of soup. The second meal - for your own chose.
6. Do not drink during and after the meal, but drink a glass of green tea half an hour after meal is good idea .
7. I am against of the council not to eat after 18:00. An hour - a half before bedtime  drink water with a teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar or a glass of green tea, half an hour later eat protein-rich meal, such as cooked meat or cheese. Just before going to sleep  drink a glass of milk with  honey.
8. In the event of an unplanned attack of the appetite,  the smell of grapefruit oil and / or massage the points located in the pit under the nasal septum, above the upper lip is helping.
9. Add to any meal 1 teaspoon of chia seeds, it creates a feeling of full stomach.


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